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Meeting Places Story Stones

Meeting Places Story Stones public art. The 'Stones' are clay pavers that have been decorated by the people of Salisbury North.

Public Art Meeting Places Story Stones 1

Title of Artwork: Meeting Places Story Stones

Location: The reserve near the Bagster Community House, on the corner of Shaxton Street, Bagster Road and Greencroft Road (near the old Dorothy Hughes Kindergarten site)

Artist: Bridgette Minuzzo and Adrian Potter

Form: Clay Pavers

Commissioned by: Salisbury North Urban Improvement project - partly funded by City of Salisbury

Project Partners: SA Housing Trust, SN Community Arts Working Party

Year of Completion: 2000


The 'Stones' are clay pavers that have been decorated by the people of Salisbury North and have been laid with other undecorated pavers. The 'Stories' are sketches, symbols and representations that refer to Salisbury North; the history, the people, the lifestyles, notable occasions and visions for the future.

Reserve near Bagster Community House, on the corner of Shaxton Street and Bagster Road):

The paving design spirals inwards as a symbol of people coming together. The seat is curved in the shape so that people can face each other.

Greencroft Road (near the old Dorothy Hughes Kindergarten site):

The concept was to provide young children and parents with seating, to meet for picnic, enjoy the play equipment and watch sport on the junior oval.


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