Seeds of Attainment
Seeds of Attainment, public art sculpture that commemorates the role that Vietnam Veterans have played within our community.

Title of Artwork: Seeds of Attainment
Location: Henderson Square, Unnamed Road, Pooraka
Artists: Martin Corbin, Chris Ormerod, Gerry McMahon and Sandy Elverd
Form: Five Sculptural elements in copper and stainless steel
Commissioned by: City of Salisbury
Project Partners: Veterans, DVA and Arts SA
Year of Completion: 2007
Seeds of Attainment commemorates the role that Vietnam Veterans have played within our community. Henderson Square was chosen for the site of this artwork as it has become the focus for the Vietnam Veteran Community through the memorial rock located at this site and the annual Vietnam Veterans Ceremony held there on the anniversary of Long Tan.
The sculpture comprises of four pod-like elements which appear to be randomly scattered within the site. Seed pods of native species known to regenerate after fire were the starting point for the sculptural form as a metaphor for the Vietnam experience. Three awakening pods lie at different angles and splitting slightly, revealing reflective bronze and stainless steel within. The forth pod form has split open from which a brilliant 5.5 meter bronze and stainless steel spire emerges, an expression of new growth and promise for the future.